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Coloring Outside the Lines: Madplum Creative and Ion At Home

Nothing is more important for a company looking to build a strong relationship with their client base than an impactful brand identity. With so many choices available to the shopper online, it can be difficult for even established brands to stand out.

At Madplum Creative, cultivating a brand identity is much more than using an eye-catching logo and fresh web design. Branding is the means to communicate your company’s messaging, identity, and most importantly, your company’s value. By cultivating an impactful identity and message, your company is able to create lasting impressions for your consumers.

Re-creating a Brand Identity

When looking to take a new direction in your brand identity, it is important to remember that your core values don’t need to change to make an impact on your customers, it’s just critical to know what they are. When making changes to your branding and identity, remember these important rules:

1. Brand behavior is based off of a core value system and basic principles.

It is important to cultivate an intimate connection between your brand’s culture and your organization. For example, Ion at Home’s culture is based around sharing, creativity and socializing.

2. What does the relationship between people and your brand symbolize?

There are many different types of relationships that can represent your brand and your customers. For example, the close-friend relationship can be related to Ion at Home in the sense that they represent a caring, fun and friendly relationship between people.

3. Learn to understand your brand’s most likely buyer to garner the most positive results.

Most companies have multiple buyer personas, but in this case, it is important to pay attention to the top buyer. It is essential to not only understand the purchasing habits of a loyal customer, but also the specific details that the loyal customer experiences on a daily basis, like where they shop, where they consume content, and on what devices. By understanding the problems, successes, and life circumstances of your buyer, you will be able to create a lasting narrative that impacts your consumers.



At Sally Beauty, the Ion Professional hair color brand sought to create a brand identity that resonates with customers both old and new. By shifting the brand from the Ion Professional to the DIY Ion at Home market, Madplum Creative was able to bring Sally Beauty into an entirely new interactive space that
inspires and empowers their customers.

We started by making the process of choosing the perfect hair color simple by creating the Ion At Home Color Coder — a unique online product recommendation tool — customers are able to find the perfect color and style with the help of a virtual stylist. This fun, helpful and interactive feature helps customers find recommended products, and with an integrated e-commerce functionality to facilitate real-time purchasing, they are able buy online and have their favorite items shipped right to their front door.

By understanding Ion At Home’s customers and how they interact with the brand, we were able to create consumer touch points through valuable blog resources, that included hair tutorials, lifestyle tips, and coupon code promotions that inspired online purchases.

Measuring a Successful Re-Brand

With a well-crafted social marketing plan, blogger outreach, and paid and earned ad spends, Madplum Creative has helped the Ion at Home website see nearly 45,500 monthly visits and a 12,482 percent increase in engagement across social media channels since launching in May 2015. With the right brand design, we have proven once again that it is easy to cultivate passion and a renewed interest in a customer base.

See how we shared in the success of launching Ion At Home’s brand identity.

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